Interested in joining the family?

EV is application- and recommendation based. To join the club you either have to apply when applications are open, or find a friend to recommend you in. To keep up to date on when applications are open, join our open server on the Home-page and pick up the Interested to join-role! You’ll gain access to our applicant chat, a question channel and easily figure out when applications open! In the future we hope to host events with anyone interested to join so you can get to know us more before sending in your application. Make sure to meet all our requirements prior to applying!


✩ Star-rider account, level 16+.
✩ Access to all areas of the map.
✩ 13 years old or older. Small exceptions may be made.
✩ Willing to attend events as often as you can!
✩ Willing to buy club horse and outfits as quickly as possible.
✩ Be a member of our open server!

Good luck!